BCA41001 – Berlanti Active Serum

Berlanti Active Serum is a new supplement to the program. Active Serum contains Vitamin C to enhance the benefits of the activeserumregular program and it will reactivate the Mother cell to produce 35 to 40 % of your own collagen, this will put a stop to importing any foreign Collagen into your skin. People over the age of 35 years old, their mother cells have stopped production of collagen; now with the use of Active Serum, they have the opportunity to reproduce their own Collagen. It restores distress skin cells; it will remove all wrinkles and aging lines and help the skin elasticity to lift up the skin from dropping down. It will bring the skin back to its original beauty with a radiant, glowing and refreshed look. Each 5 ml bottle is design for 5 uses.



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